JNTU-KAKINADA have Been Published Notification for I year & II year B.Tech (CCC) Supplementary Examinations Aug-2011
1) Supplementary Examinations for I year & II year B.Tech (CCC) will be held during Aug-2011.
2) Registration for the Supplementary Examinations is accepted as per the time schedule given below:
With out late fee : 16th August, 2011
With a late fee of Rs. 100/- : 25th August, 2011
Registration of exams is allowed up to 27th August with a late fee of Rs.1000/-
Registration for Supplementary Examinations will not be accepted after 06-08-2011
3.Fee Particulars and Mode of Payment
Fee for Memorandum of Marks Rs. 20/-
Examination Fee for each Theory Subject Rs. 250/-
4) The amount payable to the University in this context should include the Exam Fee, Fee for Memorandum of Marks and late fee if any. The mode of payment is in the Form of a crossed Demand Draft, of six months validity obtained from any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “The REGISTRAR, JNT UNIVERSITY KAKINADA”, Payable at KAKINADA. The student has to download the Registration form and Hall Ticket form and Time Table of Theory Examination from website
5) The student has to fill the Registration and Hall Ticket Forms with the Course Codes and the Titles of the Courses in which he/she intends to appear for the Examinations. Registration and Hall Ticket Forms, complete in all respects together with the Demand Draft should be mailed to the Director, School of Continuing and Distance Education, IST, Administrative Building, Ground Floor, KAKINADA-533 003, so as to reach as per the time schedule.
6) Registration Forms received after the due dates will not be accepted.
1) The Registration Form will be accepted only when the Hall Ticket Form and the crossed DD accompany it and is received on or before the final due date.
2) The Candidates are instructed to fill in all the relevant details in the Registration and Hall Ticket Form in duplicate in their own handwriting as prescribed.
3) The candidates are held personally responsible for all the entries made and any incorrect information or information suppressed will entail disciplinary action against the candidates.
4) While incomplete Registration Form would be rejected. The registration could be cancelled at any stage when it is observed that his/her registration is against the rules of the University.
5) The Registration and Hall Ticket Form complete in all respects should be sent by Registered / Speed Post to the Director, School of Continuing and Distance Education, IST, JNTUK, Administrative Building, Ground Floor, KAKINADA-533 003.
6) The Results of examinations will be informed only through website and students should also download the Memorandum of Marks from website. The original Memos will be given either at next contact program or can be taken in person whenever they visit SCDE Office.
7) The Examination Centers will be at their respective contact centers only.
Contact Centers. Examination Centers
1. University College of Engineering, Kakinada. 1. University College of Engineering, Kakinada.
2. University College of Engineering, vizianagaram. 2. University College of Engineering, vizianagaram
3. PVP Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada 3. PVP Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada
Examination centers will be as per above schedule, any deviations have to be applied to The Director, S.C.D.E, IST, with proper supportive documents.
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