A.P SSC 2010 Results, Andhra Pradesh tenth class results 2010, Whats is the Difference between CBSE grading system and AP SSC relative grading | CHKVL

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A.P SSC 2010 Results, Andhra Pradesh tenth class results 2010, Whats is the Difference between CBSE grading system and AP SSC relative grading

Andhra Pradesh State government has introducing new grading system in SSC...
Andhra Pradesh State government has introducing the nine-point ‘relative grading' system. In CBSE mode the grade is decided on the percentage scored by the candidates. In AP new system Subject grades and aggregate grades will be assigned to the candidates depending on their relative performance in the subjects. It means a particular candidate's grade will not only depend on his performance but also on how others perform.
In the CBSE gives grades depending on marks. For example students who get marks between 91 to 100 get A1 grade, 81 to 90 will get A2 grade, 71 to 80 will get B1 grade, 61 to 70 will get B2 grade, 51 to 60 will get C1 grade, 41 to 50 will get C2 grade, 33 to 40 will get D grade, 21 to 32 will get E1 grade and those who score below 20 marks will get E2 grade.
Under the new system, the top 12.5 per cent of the passed candidates will get A1 grade while students below 12.5 per cent and above 25 per cent will get A2 grade. Students who figure below 25 per cent and above 37.5 per cent will get B1 grade. The B2 grade will be given to candidates who figure in below 37.5 per cent and above 50 per cent group among all the passed candidates. Similarly, the grade will drop after every 12.5 per cent.

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