A.P S.S.C Results 2010 Top Schools & Grades of Passed Students. | CHKVL

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A.P S.S.C Results 2010 Top Schools & Grades of Passed Students.

This year results are in grades S.P.S.R Nellore got 81% passed in S.S.C

Keshava Reddy Educational Institutions are the most reputed institutions in the state of Andhra Pradesh with 30 prestigious branches educating about 50,000 students. We are proud to say that our students are the record holders of Highest marks in the history of SSC board A.P.(593/600). e
his unbeatable score of 593 marks out of 600 was recorded not once but twice (SSC 2008 and SSC 2009.SSC 2010) and our students have been consistently achieving top marks in the state since many years, which proves the potential of our educational practices. Some of our salient features include "beautiful campuses extending over 100s of acres", "breathtaking infrastructure and buildings", "concept-oriented teaching methodology", "play-way methods of learning", "pleasant school atmosphere" etc.. 
SSC 2010 Results Top score: 593 out of 600 and 21 students in top 10
HIghest mark scored this year is 593 out of 600. 21 students included in the top 10 list
BHASHYAM  Educational Institutions are the most reputed institutions in the state of Andhra Pradesh with 73 prestigious branches educating about 60,000 students. We are proud to say that our students are the record holders of Highest marks in the history of SSC board A.P.(591/600).
his unbeatable score of 591 marks out of 600 was recorded not once but twice and SSC 2009.SSC 2010) and our students have been consistently achieving top marks in the state since many years, which proves the potential of our educational practices. Some of our salient features include "beautiful campuses extending over 125s of acres", "breathtaking infrastructure and buildings", "concept-oriented teaching methodology", "play-way methods of learning", "pleasant school atmosphere" etc.. 
SSC 2010 Results Top score: 591 out of 600 10 LIST

HIghest mark scored this year is 591 out of 600. students included in the top 10 list.

                                                 A2 ; 1,07,715
                                                 B1 : 1,17,751
                                                 B2 ; 1,07,425
                                                 C1 ; 1,67,645
                                                 C2 ; 1,09,318
                                                 D1 ; 1,07,077
                                                 D2 ; 1,05,395

SSC Grades

A1 ( 509 - 600 )

Top 12.5% of the passed candidates

A2 ( 470 - 508 )

Less than top 12.5% but above 25%

B1 ( 435 - 469 )

Less than top 25% but above 37.5%

B2 ( 404 - 434 )

Less than 37.5% but above 50%

C1 ( 374 - 403 )

Less than 50% but above 62.5%

C2 ( 343 - 373 )

Less than 62.5% but above 75%

D1 ( 308 - 342 )

Less than 75% but above 87.5%

D2 ( 204 - 307 )

Bottom 12.5% of the passed candidates i.e., between 87.5% and 100% of the passed candidates


Candidates who secure less than 35% marks in any subject will be treated as failed and awarded E-grade for that subject. They will also be awarded E-grade for final result.


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