Best "200" Asia0n Universities,. University of Hyderabad got '81' Rank....: | CHKVL

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Best "200" Asia0n Universities,. University of Hyderabad got '81' Rank....:

This is the first time that University of Hyderabad is featured in the rankings...
UOH, University of Hyderabad got 81 rank among the Best 200 Asian Universities, as per the rankings released by QS Asian Universities. UOH is one among the five Indian universities placed in the top 200 and the university achieved this slot by securing a score of 60.5 and is categorised as having “Very High Research Activity in Specialist Areas”.
In Best 200 Asian Universities list 12 Indian Institutions figure, including 7 IIT's and 5 Universities. Among the IIT's, IIT Bombay at 36, University of Delhi at 67, University of Mumbai at 96, University of Calcutta at 99 and University of Pune at 109.
Parameters to include, assessing a combination of regional and International factors, such as Peer and Recruiter reviews, the International research capabilities of the Institutions, teaching quality, student-teacher ratio and Internationalisation of the staff and students, among others.

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