Melissa Jacobs: the civil servant blogger with ‘beautiful eyes’ | CHKVL

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Melissa Jacobs: the civil servant blogger with ‘beautiful eyes’

The first indications that a storm was brewing were made public more than a month ago. But only the most eagle-eyed internet observer would have stumbled across the anonymous blog post.
“I am a single thirtysomething from London,” it began. “I have been working as a Whitehall civil servant since 2002.” What followed were claims that the author was friends with a former Labour minister. “Mr T” worked in a “high-profile position”.
Yesterday it emerged that Mr T was in fact Lord T — David Triesman — the chairman of the Football Association. What was more, the blogger, Melissa Jacobs, had secretly taped the peer, also the head of England’s 2018 World Cup bid, making a series of ill-judged remarks that swiftly became his undoing.
Little is known about Miss Jacobs, 37, save that she was born in the West London borough of Hillingdon, has worked as a civil servant, and is now in the capable hands of Max Clifford.
She wrote that she is “working as a Whitehall official”, but inquiries to government departments were met with shrugged shoulders yesterday. Sources at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, the new name of the office to which Lord Triesman was briefly attached, said she had left the department within the past year.
Miss Jacobs claimed that Lord Triesman had interviewed her for a post in his department, but that they met socially only after he left for the FA. Over dinner in a London gastropub, she claims he told her that she had “incredibly beautiful eyes”.

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