Procedure to be followed for exercising options
STEP 1: Entering the URL through internet
You will find home page as shown below With the information counseling procedure, list of courses, list of help line centers, college profile, etc..
STEP 2: Generation of Password
Password is Important for Candidates to Login, Entry of options, Change of options, saving and deletion of options and also printing of allotment order.
Click on “Candidates Registration” to generate New password.
Enter the details (Note: Registration Number is printed on your Rank Card. Date of birth shall be entered in DD/MM/YYYY format).
Next Click on “Generate Password” button . As Shown Image screen appears
- The ‘password’ Must having a minimum of 8 characters/words and maximum of 10 with at least one Numeral Number /Character for (Eg: EAMCET12, krishna123, @#34BxMz56, 98765432H etc.)
- You Must Re-enter the same password at “Re-enter password” box to Conform The Password.
- Candidate should Enter There mobile number and email id. These are optional.Why Because If You Forget Password To log in password mobile number and email id is compulsory to communicate the changed password.
- At Last To save Your Password That Your Given Click on “Save Password” to save the password.
- Click on “Log Out”. With this candidate’s registration is completed and you will come back to Home page.
Note:You can change your password and also reset the password as explained in the following step.
STEP 3: Option Entry
After completing Of candidates registration and generation of password click on Candidates Login to further options. Like The following Image appears.
- If you forgot password, click on the link Forgot your password. and enter the Registration number, Rank, EAMCET Hall ticket number and date of Birth and mobile number which you have entered at the time of Candidate Registration. Now click on get new password. New password generated by computer will be sent to your mobile number or to your email. After receiving the password you can use it for Option Entry.
- To enter your options, fill in your Registration No.,Hall Ticket No.,Password and Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) and click on Sign In. The following screen appears.
- Read the instructions carefully. Read the Declaration and click on Check Box √ to confirm the same.
- Click on “Option Entry Form” will navigate you to screen with check boxes with district names and statewide institutions.
- In case you need any explanation about different Menu items of the Option Entry form Click on “Help Screen” . Read the explanation about various menu items, and then click the button “Click here to Enter Options”, it displays the screen with various districts along with check boxes.
- Select one or more districts or statewide institutions to display the Colleges in those districts along with State wide Institutions.
- Click on ‘Display Option Entry form‟ displays the screen for exercising the options.
In the Screen different colours are used for display of University Colleges, Girl Colleges, and Minority institutions etc
- Enter your EAMCET Hall ticket No. in the box provided.
- By looking at already filled manual option form, enter the option numbers in the Boxes on the Screen against the College and course in which you are interested to join as shown above. WHILE FILLING THE OPTION FORM „Click on Save Options‟ AT REGULAR INTERVALS.
Click on View and Print button helps you to see the saved options and take a print out of the same.
STEP 4: Logout
- AFTER COMPLETION OF Option entry click on “Logout”, IT DISPLAYS AN ALERT MESSAGE WITH three BUTTONS “Save and Logout”, “Confirm Logout” and ‘Cancel Logout‟.
- Click on „Cancel Logout‟ retains the Options Entry Form for entry of some more options.
- Click on “Save & Logout” button will save the options exercised up to that point of time and display the details of the options exercised.
- Click on “Confirm Logout‟ button will directly display the details of the options saved up to that instant.
- You are informed that, you can add, modify or delete the options any number of times within in stipulated time by repeating the above mentioned four steps. The options recorded in the server on the last day will be frozen. If you wish to change the frozen options once again, approach any one of help line centers on any one of the dates mentioned to modify your frozen options. This is the final opportunity and after this no further changes can be done. The Options recorded in the server on the last day will be taken for allotment of seats. You can take a printout of the options exercised.
- After the option entry and Logout from the Option entry form, close the browser.
Stage 6: Final Allotment of Seats
- The allotments will be processed on the date mentioned in the notification based on merit, category, sex, Local area, special reservation category etc and will be placed in the web. You have to download the allotment order. This is final allotment and request for change will not be entertained.
how to reenter the options again in the option entry form of eamcet 2011 web counselling
thank sarr
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